Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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How Does Emotion Affect Your Writing..?

November 17, 2014


In my previous post, I discussed how weather can be an element in our writing but it can also impact us emotionally and physically. In Alberta, my homeland now, the oncoming of winter is dreaded by most. We experience extreme cold, lots of snowfall and limitations on outdoor pursuits. Obviously, some people relish the opportunity to ski, snow board, sled etc. but for others it is a time of indoor pursuits and a hibernation mentality takes over.

As with many emotions, such as anger, depression or an over whelming feeling of love and happiness, they affect our prose or poetry. As writers we learn to use these emotional insights to the benefit of our craft. It gives us an idea how our characters may react to a certain situation and thus breathes life into our stories. Of course when we are in the midst of these feelings they may be too raw to even contemplate using but as with all things time heals.

When you can look back at that emotion look deeply into it and find inspiration – it will strengthen your writing – and also (hopefully) help you resolve and relish it.

How do you find your emotional state affects your writing?




  1. Pingback: Ten Reasons to Keep Writing – Jenny Connected

  2. Pingback: What are the 5 Stages of Grief and Loss | Social Junk

  3. I’m starting to learn which type of writing I can do under which circumstances (or rather not to do any writing no matter what). 🙂


  4. I prefer to be calm and working in a quiet environment for my writing to take place.


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