Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Toady…do childhood memories inspire?

March 8, 2013

 Toady – definition: a person who flatters another in the hopes of receiving favors.

The-Wind-in-the-WillowsMy first thought when I read this word was Toad of Toad Hall. It was a favorite book when I was growing up – Wind in the Willows. Fascinating animal characters in a natural environment. Then the realization came that my current project is about animal characters in a forest helped by woodland sprites. Is there a sub-conscious link to my childhood do you think? I hadn’t thought of Toad and his friends in more decades than I care to mention but maybe they linger in the depths of my mind. I had thought I was writing this particular story because my parents were always very keen for  my siblings and I to understand and appreciate the natural world around us. Possibly it is a combination of the two. I have passed on my parents legacy to my children and my current project, Ockleberries to the Rescue is partly inspired by the stories I told them when they were little. Their favorite outing was always a wildlife park preferring them over zoos. The animals have so much more space to live in.

Could our current themes or genres be influenced by childhood memories and favorite books? My pal, Vikki at The View Outside discussed favorite books from childhood in a recent post so I thought it only fitting to put it here.

When you consider what you write now is there any link to your childhood? It may not be so startling obvious as mine is in regard to my current project but what are the underlying traits in your work?


  1. Ahhhhh, The Wind in the Willows 🙂

    Is friendship a theme you often write about?

    Thanks for the link honey xx


  2. I would love to think that subliminally my childhood memories influence my writing… I recall certain things but not everything and, at times, nothing… I did have teacher’s who inspired and my mom instilled the love for the arts with her talents and abilities. What do I write today that might be inspired by days past? Shakespearean affair, YA adventure in Turkey, Italian families, power struggle – I think I’m really good at making things up! My love for horses permeates my life from when I was young but I’m a city girl who never owned a horse nor had a farm on which to spend my summers – they are kindred spirits and maybe they are from childhoods past.


  3. What interesting books! I will have to look at some of these. Thanks for sharing.


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