Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Some Videos on Writing

October 30, 2013

An extra post to get us in the mood for Halloween and NaNoWriMo…enjoy.

Jennifer Weiner, Author


Since the eve of NaNoWriMo starts in just over 4 hours here on the east coast of the USA, I thought some quick tips on writing would be good for all of us. I also want to share a collection of documents I’ve gathered while preparing (or pretending to prepare) for this adventure that November promises.  You can take a look at all the documents here, and download (if I understand correctly).  Documents for writers assembled by me.

Stephen King On Short Stories and More

Just because you can’t do anything about writing fiction and not talk about the horror master!

Tips on Writing A Book on A Dead Line

It even mentions NaNoWriMo towards the end! Some pretty basic tips, but the day before the day before we start this craziness!

Top Ten Writing Rules From Famous Writers

Some pretty well-known “rules”, but a great refresher for me…

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Contentious Novels…

October 30, 2013

Contentious – definition: 1. tending to cause argument or strife; quarrelsome; 2. causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy

Throughout literary history there have been contentious novels. Some, in our modern day thinking, are not contentious at all but we have to bear in mind the culture and beliefs that were present at the time the books were released.

1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain


Huckleberry Finn was published in 1884, by Mark Twain. The reason it was banned? On social grounds. Although the references and treatment of African Americans in the novel reflect the time about which it was written, some critics thought such language inappropriate for study and reading in schools and libraries. The Concord Public Library first banned the book in 1885, calling it “trash suitable only for the slums.”

Today it is thought to be a classic.

2. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl


This book is the diary of a young girl, Anne Frank, as she experienced the Nazi occupation. It is an important work from World War II.

In the book Anne describes how she and her family hide from the occupying forces and are eventually discovered and sent to a concentration camp. The reason it was banned? Certain passages were considered “sexually offensive,” and also that the tragic nature of the book, was felt to be a “real downer.” An unthinkable view to today’s beliefs.

I remember reading this book in school and absolutely loved it even though I felt so sorry for Anne, who was near my own age when she wrote it and I read it.

3. Arabian Nights


A collection of tales, which has been banned by Arab faction governments as vice and sin. Various editions of The Arabian Nights were also banned by the US Government under the Comstock Law of 1873. The law makes it illegal to send any “obscene” materials through the mail,

4. Awakening – Kate Chopin


First issued in 1899, Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening  tells the famous tale of Edna Pontellier. She left her family, committed adultery, and began a journey to rediscover her true self as an artist. Such actions were not easy, nor socially acceptable, especially in the time the book was published. Fierce criticism of the book as being immoral and scandalous meant Kate Chopin never wrote another novel. Today The Awakening is considered an important work in feminist literature.

5. Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath


This is the only novel by Sylvia Plath. It is famous for its shocking insight into her mind and art, and also because it is a coming-of-age story. The narrative is told in the first person by Esther Greenwood, who struggles with her mental illness. The reason for banning it – the suicide attempts detailed in the book made it a target for book censors.

The book has been repeatedly banned and challenged for what is seen as its controversial content of sexual material and it supposedly advocating an “objectionable” philosophy of life. Other reasons stated for banning the novel were that the book was poor-quality literature which stressed suicide, illicit sex, violence and hopelessness.

Do you have a favorite ‘banned’ book?

Do you agree any of the above novels should be banned?

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