Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Wordsmith’s Collective Thursday – Coping with Manuscript Revision Requests

June 27, 2024

When a publisher requests revisions, don’t feel disheartened. Of course, stand by your work, but see this request as a learning tool. They have specific criteria for the genre and their publishing house and want to ensure your book holds true to both.

Just remember the word revision means to re­see.

To ensure you keep your voice, but adhere to the publisher requests, look at effective editing techniques and diligent revision strategies to refine your work. Be open to improvement’s – after all, we all know a manuscript goes through many drafts before we send it out into the world. This is just one more. Break down the request into manageable steps – you can’t do it all at the same time. So set editing goals and a structured revision schedule. Then look at:

Overused words.

Restructure sentences to make them clear and engaging.

Tighten the prose.

Enhance clarity and coherence.

Look at plot and character development.

Check the tone and voice are consistent throughout the narrative.

This is your chance to tighten the narrative so the end user – your readers and the publishing house clientele read a novel that meets their expectations.

What experiences have you had with publisher requests for revisions?


  1. Excellent recommendations Mandy! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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