Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Wordsmith’s Collective Thursday – Promotional Items for Book Marketing

June 6, 2024

As authors we want to attract attention to our books, and ultimately sell them. While we all hustle on social media platforms, there is also in person events, where we come face to face with potential readers. One way to attract people to our table is to have promotional items available. Depending on our personal finances these can be inexpensive, or an investment, but preferably a mixture of both. We can take advantage of online sites to create these items, and, of course, for the more creative amongst us, simply create our own.

Here is a list of ideas; some are easily achieved, while others require some creative time and investment.

  • Bookmarks.
  • Coasters.
  • Business cards.
  • Mouse Pad.
  • Postcards.
  • Flyers.
  • Summary of the book(s).
  • Door Hanger.
  • Rack cards.
  • Mugs.
  • Tote bag.
  • Note books.
  • Posters and banners.
  • Pens.
  • Cover art images.
  • Candy.
  • T-shirts.
  • Hats.
  • Magnets.

The more individual and book related our items are the better. It will be not only a reminder of the book, and their meeting with you, but also something they may pass to another reader. Some items can also be used as give-aways on social media or blog contests. If your local bookstore allows you to, leave some business cards, postcards or door hangers on their sales counter. Ask if you can put promotional leaflets on community boards, in your library, or at a local business.

Another great promotional item is a gift basket themed to your specific book, or genre. You can collect entries at an in-person event, or via an online contest. Just remember you will need to get the prize to the winner! So limit the contest to your locality, or you will be paying a lot for postage.

Personally, I have used a local crafter to create toques, online sources for T-shirts, bookmarks, business cards and a plushy of one kid’s character. I have also made my own bookmarks in the past. There is no limit to your imagination, so create a unique display to get those sales.

What promotional items do you use?

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