Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – What Books Are You Reading This Summer?

June 25, 2024

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Summer allows us some extra time to read, if we are lucky. Vacation time can be a manic organization of activities and travel, but escaping for a while into a good book and allowing ourselves to relax and feed our souls is just as important. As an eclectic reader delving into many genres, my TBR shelf is diverse, so choosing my next read can be difficult. I tend to read the blurb and the one that hooks me the strongest is the one I begin.

As many of you know I subscribe to the Goodreads Reading Challenge every year. It is fun to look back on a year’s reading and pick out favourite stories. So far, this year, I have read 17 books of 35. I review every single book too so you are welcome to check them out.

I am also a Goodreads author and you can find my books there.

So what books are on your summer reading list?

Do you prefer a particular genre? What is it?

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