Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

My Book News & Advocate for the Writing Community ©

Seize Your Opportunity…

June 4, 2013

Temerity – definition: reckless boldness; rashness

boldnessHow do you seize your opportunities?

I boldly pursued…

Since finding writing as my favored creative outlet and my group, The Writers Foundation of Strathcona County, I have embraced any and all opportunities. Yes, some were scary, such as attempting NaNoWriMo for the first time but others have been awesome adventures. I have learnt new skills and met some wonderful people. My life has improved beyond my expectations.

Before I toiled every day with no true relaxation or interest at the end of the day or week. Running my own company meant ‘the buck stopped with me’ and therefore I could never really shut off. I was also chairman of two Parent Teacher Associations for extended periods and excelled in the organization of fund raising events. However, I was still unfulfilled, missing that ‘something’ that captured my passion.

It took travelling across the Atlantic to find my passion. Rather drastic maybe, but I know I am where I need to be. I have found my creative outlet and embrace it wholeheartedly.


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