Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – Short Story -Cake Excellence

May 21, 2024

I hope you enjoy this short story I wrote using several prompt words.

Photo by Kasonya Wilcox on

Cake Excellence

George had dreamed of winning this particular competition for years, now was his moment to excel. He stood anxiously awaiting the judge’s notification the competition could begin. The announcement created a bustle of activity in the vast kitchen. Ingredients were measured, pans set to boil and knives glistened under the overhead lights.  All five chefs concentrated on their own creations, only glimpsing each other’s workstation upon passing. No time could be wasted; the prize was prestigious and worth the months of planning, tasting and trail runs.

Attention to detail was paramount, as each morsel was required to be perfection. Spun sugar needed an unblemished clarity and gloss, while the structures of chocolate, sugar and fondant necessitated careful construction to ensure they were perfectly pitched and the disaster of collapsing avoided. George focused like never before. His months of practice were proving well worth the time as each creation formed perfectly.

Thirteen hours later the displays were completed and the pastry chefs exhausted. Now, they would wait for the judge’s decision. Who would win? Would they try again next year if they did not succeed? George sat his nerves frayed, his body shaking with exertion both mentally and physically. The head judge stood before them.

            “George Rudan, congratulations on your superb creations and exquisite recipes. We present you with this award.”

            George’s knees buckled, but his fellow competitors grabbed his arms and helped him to stand as the judge presented him with the trophy.

            “Thank you, Sir, this is a great honor.”

That night George placed his winning trophy in pride of place in a small alcove set into the kitchen wall. He flicked a switch and a small overhead light in the alcove ceiling lit up bathing the metal is a shimmering light. George drew his finger across his engraved name on the base. This was worth the years of learning and planning, no past hardship felt unworthy. He had proved himself and his expertise at last. The prize money would allow him to start his own cake designer business. His future looked bright.

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