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Creative Edge Author Interview – D.C. Gomez

April 20, 2023

Where did the initial idea for the Cat Lady series originate?

The initial idea for Cat Lady actually came during a 5 hour-drive. I was coming home from a romance convention and somehow the idea that I needed a romance book hit me. Most of the books I had at the time were Urban Fantasy or Children’s books. As I drove back, I play with the tropes that I enjoy the most in romance, like second chances. The problem I found out was, I was not very good at writing romance. Instead, I ended up with a dark comedy- contemporary fiction story full of shenanigans and amazing quirky characters.

Was it always going to be a series?

At the beginning, I was just excited about The Cat Lady Special. It wasn’t until I published the book that the idea of a series came to mind. I enjoy writing series, so this wasn’t a hard choice for me.

Did you base the character of Angela on anyone you know or were you inspired by a movie/book character?

Angela is not based on one specific person. She is more of a collection of anecdotes from my friends and my life. Her story is all about sacrifices- what are you willing to do for the people you love?

Why Cat Lady?

I think there is a very negative perception of what a Cat Lady looks like or even acts like. One thing I wanted to do was challenge that idea and twisted around. What if our dear Cat Lady turns to be an Arms Dealer? That concept just made me smile and open the series to so much possibility.

With guns being a divisive subject, how do you balance your gun’s dealer character with societal views?

This is one of things Angela also battles in the series. She doesn’t want guns ending in the wrong hands and killing innocent people. She also understands that selling guns is a very lucrative business, that even Walmart has maximized. As much as possible, she works hard at vetting her clients to maintain the knowledge of where her guns are going.

Will there be other books in the series, if so, how many?

At this time I’m planning for at least one more book. Not sure how many more will happen afterwards. Normally, I’m pretty sure how many books there will be in every series. For this one, I’m letting the characters lead me and see where they want to go.

How much research did you need for the narrative background?

While I’m an Army Veteran, I do not have a strong background on the different weapons available. In order to give Angela a believable back story, I have to do tons of researching on weapons, ammunition’s and even distribution types.

Did you fall into any research black holes?

At the beginning I used to. One tip one of my writer friends gave me was to do just-in-time research. Which means, stop to do the research for the specific scene that I’m working on. If not, I will get nothing done.

What surprised you about Angela and her lifestyle as you wrote the two books?

My biggest surprised with Angela was seeing how happy she was with the simple things in life. She was not interested in a mansion, trips, or fancy clothes. Her primary goal was to take care of the people she loves. As I get older, I’m always blown away by how true that is for many of us.

Where can readers find you?

The easiest place would be on my website at You can find links to my books and social media.


Illegal guns. Dangerous old-ladies. Now a dead body. Angela’s life is getting more complicated by the minute.

A boring life is not in Angela’s future, with her being a black market guns dealer. Tripping over a dead-body is now bringing a lot more attention from law enforcement than she cares to have.

If only she could get control of the Silver Hair Gang, and their quest to find the killer themselves. Angela is running out of time to secure her next arms deal, and save her family from an unknown killer.

A Desperate Cat Lady : Gomez, D. C.: Books

A Desperate Cat Lady (The Cat Lady): Gomez, D. C.: 9798986537429: Books

The Cat Lady (2 book series) Paperback Edition (

 The Cat Lady Special : Gomez, D. C.: Books


D. C. Gomez is an award-winning USA Today Bestselling Author, podcaster, motivational speaker, and coach. Born in the Dominican Republic, she grew up in Salem, Massachusetts. D. C. studied film and television at New York University. After college she joined the US Army, and proudly served for four years.

D. C. has a Master’s Degree in Science Administration from the Central Michigan University, as well as a Master in Adult Education from Texas A&M- Texarkana University.  She is a certified John Maxwell Team speaker and coach, and a certified meditation instructor from the Chopra Center.

One of D. C. passions is helping those around her overcome their self-limiting beliefs.  She writes both non-fiction and fiction books, ranging from Urban Fantasy to Children’s Books. To learn more about her books and her passion, you can find her at

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