Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Author Interview – Barbara Black

May 9, 2024

Q: What inspired you to write Little Fortified Stories?

A few years ago I was in Lisbon at The DISQUIET International Literary Program. In my spare time I went to the port institution for a tasting. I sat in the dim room, sipping, when a character suddenly came into my head. A character whose words somehow echoed the particular qualities of that port. And so was born my first series of very short fictions, Little Fortified Stories. When I returned home I continued writing stories based on other liquid spirits and gradually the collection expanded to include Ekphrastic works, stories from dreams and travels and stories based very loosely on my ancestry.

Q: How did the characters come into being? What is your writing process?

It always feels like a bit of voodoo how my characters show up. Most often, a voice comes into my head and I follow that voice into a story. It’s a mysterious and murky adventure. I don’t develop a story arc in advance or try to pre-structure. I freewrite as long as I can without reading what I’ve written. On rare occasions a story may write itself in one sitting. Otherwise, I continue to freewrite to see how the character and setting develops.

When writing micro and flash fiction, especially in workshops, I sometimes use written or visual prompts or I write within restricting structures which, contrary to what you might think, actually stimulate not stifle creativity. Sometimes if you’re stuck and the story’s not working, searching for an alternate structure or approach can revitalize it. This happened with my piece about Saint Barbara. Once I transferred the fragments into a list structure it was more energized, with enticing gaps and contrasting tones.

One of my favourite prompt methods is writing Ekphrastic pieces based on visual art. It’s another way of “inducing” a story or character. There are ten Ekphrastic art-inspired stories in my collection, including a fallen saint who falls in love with a creature named Gryffix; a disfigured ballet teacher with a secret life; and a mysterious little Daughter of the North Wind who unexpectedly (and literally) falls into a couple’s life. I also find characters while listening to music.

Q: What other books have you published? How do they differ from Little Fortified Stories?

I have one previously published book, Music from a Strange Planet, an award-winning collection of short stories. Although the stories in that book are shorter (2000 to 3000 words) than most short stories, they’re longer than the 50 to 1500 word fiction in Little Fortified Stories. Also, many of the fictions in Little Fortified Stories lean into the surreal or at least the engagingly improbable! I like to let the story go where it wants. You might think it would be easier to write lots of shorter stories, but I found it challenging “herding” a cast of well over 100 characters.

Q: How fundamental are life’s experiences to the writing muse?

It amazes me how, after writing Little Fortified Stories, I see snippets of my life scattered throughout the collection. I notice themes of climate change, of mothers and daughters, of grief, fertility and dreams, and women’s agency (or non-agency). None of these themes were planned, they simply arose from my state of mind during the span of time I was writing the manuscript.

Thinking about life’s experiences, there’s something about writing in a story form that allows you to process deeper issues or memories that can’t be framed in the usual logical thinking mode. Once filtered through a fictional lens, these deep seated emotions have a place to reside.

Q: Tell me about your book cover.

Sure! Just as with my previous book, my publisher Caitlin Press once again asked if I would like to design the cover for Little Fortified Stories. Of course, I said yes. The collaged image is a take on one of the stories in the book titled “The Jaeger Family Theatre,” about a young girl who is in a rite to enter the clan of the Jaeger people (a jaeger is also a bird). It’s in the section of the book titled “Ancestral Fabrications,” meaning stories based on my ancestry, some of which are entirely fictional and others which are only somewhat fictional. Information on my heritage was scarce.

Q: If you could meet one of your characters in real life, who would it be?

It would be the woman in the story “What May Console Those with the Loss of Their Lexicon,” who kept my words alive by singing them (in a “voice like a rusty pair of scissors”) while I was agonizing through writer’s block for a year. Of course, she’s purely imaginary, but she exists somewhere deep in my psyche.

Q: Are there any books you can recommend on how to write very short fiction?

There’s an excellent, comprehensive  book, The Art of Brevity, by Grant Faulkner, that elucidates the freedom and complexity of this genre. It’s full of insights into the craft of writing very short stories, but is also very enjoyable to read and chock full of examples. This is an art form that has boundless possibilities and Faulkner is definitely on the pro almost-anything-goes side. The thing to remember about short-short fiction is that it’s not necessarily a fast read but an immersive one.

Q: What do you do when you’re not writing?

I dream about travel. I get on my Triumph motorcycle and live in the wind, without words. I go tactile. I roam and ruminate in my garden and occasionally swear at my gooey, thick clay soil that mocks my shovels, but I love every plant and insect in that finite space that is my personal heaven.

Q: Where can readers find you?
Find me at my website at or on my Facebook Writer Page at
I’m on Instagram here: and X here:

Thank you so much, Mandy, for hosting me here.

Blurb: Little Fortified Stories

A spinster in love with a tobacco-smoking ghost. A lonely one-eyed monster who wanders the desert. A Medieval saint who delights in her “miraculous ruine.” In Little Fortified Stories, award-winning writer Barbara Black conjures a microcosm of characters that defy convention. Black’s writing has a signature tone and precision that readers and reviewers call out for praise. In this suite of startling, haunting stories, curious worlds are encapsulated like a series of snow globes, swirling with deep emotion and teeming with strangeness. Inspired by art, music, alcoholic spirits and what Black calls “authentic fabrications” from her own ancestry, these eclectic tales buzz with a hypnotic intensity you will never forget


Barbara Black writes short and flash fiction, poetry and libretti. Her work has appeared in national and international publications, including The Cincinnati Review, Geist, The Hong Kong Review, Prairie Fire, and CV2, and in many anthologies, including Bath Flash Fiction Award 2020. Achievements include: Fiction Finalist, 2020 National Magazine Awards; Winner, 2017 Writers’ Union of Canada Short Prose Competition; Winner, Federation of BC Writers Contests (Prose Poem) 2018 and (Flash Fiction) 2021/2022; and Shortlisted for the 2023 Edinburgh Flash Fiction Award. She recently won First Prize in The International Plaza Prizes Microfiction Contest 2023 and placed Second in their Flash Fiction Category. Her debut short story collection Music from a Strange Planet was released in 2021 to critical acclaim and was a finalist or winner in 10 Book Award competitions. Black’s highly anticipated flash and microfiction collection, Little Fortified Stories, is forthcoming in May 2024. She lives in Victoria, BC, where she gardens and rides her trusty Triumph motorcycle.

Wordsmith’s Collective Thursday – Supporting Your Fellow Authors

April 25, 2024

Photo by Keira Burton on

One of the greatest parts of being a member of this community of writers is the connecting, supporting and encouraging of each other. There are virtual and in-person groups across the world, numerous conferences and retreats, all giving us the ability to share, learn and succeed in our writing journey.

A couple of days ago, I connected with someone, who is launching a new online magazine, The North Ink, this May, which will highlight Canadian authors. After discussing the opportunity of myself being included, I asked if I could share the details with some writer friends. This was welcomed with open arms and I sent a compiled joint message to numerous contacts. I have no problem sharing such opportunities with people, who have the same passion and are generous in their support of others.

When we support each other, it goes beyond the ‘shop local’ because the writing community is global. We are connected by the power of words. You never know how a connection will affect you, them, or your writing – be brave reach out.

Wordsmith’s Collective Thursday – The Interminable Wait – Submissions!

March 21, 2024

I spent over three hours one evening this week writing a synopsis, it was grueling and sucked big time, but I complete it! So this post is a response to that exercise.

After months, or even years, you are ready to submit your manuscript and then comes the grueling task of the synopsis, the cover letter, the pitch. We have all agonized over pressing send on multiple occasions, questioning our narrative, and suffering anxiety over the requisite documents that accompany it. This last, and most heart wrenching stage, is the culmination of many hours of writing, editing, and multiple revisions of our story.

When, at last, we feel confident in the narrative, we task ourselves with research into suitable publishers, and create the requested formatted submission package. Once again, these crucial requirements take their toll on our writing abilities and the ever present doubt that lingers with all our writing endeavors. We ask ourselves – is it polished enough, is it unique enough, have I portrayed the plot sufficiently in my synopsis, have I directed my pitch to the right person… the list goes on.

With countless revisions and the inevitable hesitation and procrastination, there comes a moment when we just have to take that leap of faith and press the send button.

Photo by Vojtech Okenka on

Then we wait – weeks, or months will go by accompanied by obsessive checking and re-checking of our email inbox (and the junk mail folder – just in case!) Some of us will check off the days, or weeks, on a calendar, or return to publisher’s website to re-read the submission process and stated reaction period. Alas, there is no way to hurry the process along, we just have to wait. A subconscious voice whispering all the time – it’s a No, it’s a Maybe, or when we are feeling upbeat – It’s a Yes!

How do you cope with the ‘wait’?

Do you have submission tips to share?

Wordsmith’s Collective Thursday – National Ghostwriters Week

March 7, 2024

Definition of a ghost-writer – a person, whose job it is to write material for someone else, who is the named author.

    This week we celebrate ghost writers, which in itself is an oxymoron as to be a ghost writer your name is usually not mentioned in the body of the work you undertook. There are exceptions to that rule, of course. I know the hybrid marketing book I wrote is one such example. The client was more than happy to have my name mentioned. It was a fun project too, as I created the concept of the hybrid content.

    However, other projects contracted to me have been truly ghost written and I am fine with that. The interesting part of ghost writing is you will write on subjects/topics that may not have been in your wheelhouse so to speak. This is the fun part of the job and a great way to expand your knowledge.

    Ghostwriting may even be a back door to the prestigious corners of the publishing world, connections with select people and normally you have a partial, or full upfront payment, which is normally a flat fee. Another bonus is you do not have the marketing and promotion burden for the project. It is also an excellent way to build your writing skills.

    So to all the ghost writers out there – Happy Ghost Writing Week – long may you write in the shadows.

      Creative Edge Author Interview – Glenda Benevides

      February 22, 2024

      What inspired your musical and writing talents and when did they begin?

      I was 13 and I had a crush on a guitarist who would play at our church social gathering for us youth. He was so good and I just fell in love with him and his playing. At that time I was learning to play guitar so it inspired me to keep practicing. I then started with writing my own song. It was called “I love you”. Go figure. I still remember the words and the chorus to this day. By the way the song that the dreamy guitar player played was a Ten Years After song called “I’d Love to change the world” 

      How does writing a motivational book differ from writing song lyrics?

      Depends on who you are. For me it’s one and the same. I write with a conscious intention to say things that might need to be said. As my hope is that it will inspire or motivate who’s listening to be the best they can be. To make a needed change or a small impact in someone’s life. We all need support at some point on our journey either through reading or listening to a moving song.  

      What is your musical style and who are your influencers?

      Oh! Musical style!? Well, I feel my style changes with the song/story and my choices evolve over time. Most people grow and shift, so does music, clothing and attitude. I would say, at this point in time I would be considered a roots artist and music and that means anything that is American. I would say I have flavors of blues, soul, country sounds like using a resonator guitar, as an example. It’s more about the instrumentation to create a unique vibe which creates a style. When performing, I see each person take away from it what they will. You can ask two people listening and they both have their own experience. It’s crazy! You have to listen and make up your own mind and you tell me? 

      Why did you feel you had to write Courage?

      It’s the one thing that we all need more of when we’re facing life situations that can be confronting or challenging. It’s like a chant or a mantra to one’s self. I also have a song called “Courage” and I sing, “Gotta have Courage now”. I wrote the book to be coupled with my song. I felt I really wanted to share with people on how I got some courage bit by bit in my daily situations. I wanted to let people know that they could do it too and with a little inspiration and an easy step by step guide, it might help. One more way of giving back in service. 

      What do you hope to achieve with your book Courage?

      Great question. I never really thought too much about it, really. I feel that the book was an expression of care and sharing. I thought, what would it be like, if I had any value to share in my life experience and how can that help someone? So, I started writing an outline of what it takes to have clarity, courage, confidence, commitment and community. I thought, If I can help inspire one person to have their dreams be in action or give them one tool to use, that would a win. Grounding into a path with tools can help lesson the frustration and confusion. 

      For example in my book and ‘Own The Goddess Within” course. The one question I ask is to write down on a piece of paper, on one side write, What I Want? The other side, What I Don’t Want. Sounds simple, but it’s not. Try it. 

      Most of us can say what we don’t want but can’t get clear on what we DO want. This was one benefit of Courage, Find Your Fire and Ignite Action in Your Life for me and hopefully others too. 
      How have your life experiences and travel, changed your views about the environment and life in general?

      Well, when I travel I see how much alike we are and connected even when we live in different cultures and languages. I feel we all want the same thing and that is, to love and be loved honestly. There’s only two states of being. Love or Fear. I feel most destruction on our planet is caused from ignorance, self loathing, hate of what someone doesn’t understand, which is all an out growth of fear. You can see it in our homes, belongings, attitude, of course in our environment and most of all how we treat each other. It all stems from fear and NOT love. 

      Love takes a huge amount of inner growth, reflection and transformation of oneself. This directly relates to our environment. I would say go within, work on yourself to create freedom and understanding. Heal past traumas and let go, do not dwell in them. Focus on your gift, passions, purpose, and create a on going evolution inside yourself this is the foundation of love. Then get out, like I did and make a difference in your way. Mine was planting trees and homeless, raising awareness and inspiring people to serve in their way. That is what will build love and freedom in life and this helps with thinking twice before harming the environment, because we are the environment – everything is connected and dependent on each other’s survival. 

      With so many creative endeavours to your name, how do you balance your time and projects?

      So many! Not enough time! Simply. I keep a calendar and schedule everything even my free time. This keeps everything clear especially for us creatives, who need some structure and want to avoid it. Problem there is if you resist it persists and nothings gets done. This makes life run smooth, fun and I get to do the things I want to without huge mistakes, missed meetings etc. I rely on my devices, technology works for me and I am not a slave to it. 

      Creative endeavors. Right now, I have an original recording schedule preparing for Grammys next year, playing music with an amazing jazz/soul band, which we’ll be booking and am preparing for a tour next year. I also have a theatrical project called Spiritualist Cabaret and one in the works. That is what’s current and so many project in the past to mention. You can see what project I’ve done on the web! 

      How did you initially become aware of One Tree Planted?

      Actually, through my mastering engineer and co-writing partner Gene Williams ( I feel every artist who is aware knows that we are the storytellers and the mood makers – this is how we give back by raising awareness, to care about something other than ourselves is powerful way of being and deeply enlivening. 

      What can you tell us about One Tree Planted?

      They plant trees all around the world. Trees are the lungs of the planet and we must replenish them. It’s just one way to help out. Also, I will plant a tree for any of your readers who purchase something from my merch site or buy my music. Thus far, I’ve planted 250 trees in Canada, UK, California, Washington.  Very excited to be in partnership with One Tree Planted.


      Where can readers and music lovers find you?

      I am all over the web if you search Glenda Benevides 



      IG: https://glendabenevidesmusic 









      Glenda Benevides was born in Oakland Ca and has been singing professionally since 16. Deeply influenced by classic vocalist Sarah Vaughan to Rachelle Ferrell to Staple Singers, her soul expression and intention is of the heart. Glenda has toured from Japan to the EU to the UK on through Canada leaving the no stone unturned to light a fire on the dance floor.

      Glenda’s career has included singing and performing for the South African Film Festival in Cannes France, The Brava theater for a women’s fundraiser gala in San Francisco, the Popkomm Music conference in Berlin, a Beverly Wilshire, Los Angeles solo performance for best selling author Harv Ecker (Millionaire Mind seminars) and a guest appearance at the Crown Plaza in Santiago, Chile to a Presidential fundraiser for Dennis Kucinich at the Kuumbwas Jazz Center in Santa Cruz, CA and in 2017 a rally for Alabama Dem Senator Doug Jones.

      Glenda has also produced many of her live performances, a web series, music videos and has been the creative director and producer for many private events such as an exclusive fundraising gala for The Shakespeare Society of America, Foundation for Climate Restoration and donates a percentage from her music sales to One Tree Planted.

      Glenda started her own record company Good Witch Records in 2004, along with Mirror Speaks the Truth productions for music in film and tv. She wrote and developed a tv script called Never Give Up and started Global Badass Goddess online Magazine and podcast in 2018, which features woman from around the world sharing stories of inspiration and empowerment. She now has the Glenda Benevides Music podcast to share stories from extraordinary artist in their trials and triumphs. 

      Glenda is the author of Courage, Find Your Fire and Ignite Action in Your Life along with Own The Goddess Within e-book and workshop and has worked and sung with Toto, Jeffrey Osborne, Pink Martini and Broadway artist of “Aida” fame, Damian Perkins, Steve Smith of Dirty Vegas, just to name a few.

      Awards include: AOF Action on Film International LA Film Festival X 2014 award winner for Best Score, Original composition Change – Orphans in the Storm.

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