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Creative Edge Author Interview – Bjorn Leesson

May 23, 2024

1.      What made you decide to start writing?

I have always loved writing – the expression of thoughts and ideas through the written word always seems to be a more pure form of communication to me.  It wasn’t until the last few years that I really dove into creative writing.  Before that, most of my work was technical or non-fiction.

2.      How much does your Scandinavian background affect your writing?

Quite a bit.  Added to my love of history, I saw a wonderful platform for this story to begin forming.  The Norse Exploration Age (Viking Age) is an era of history that most people are familiar with, but maybe don’t know very much about.  So in addition to seeing more about what the Norse were, I was able to add in my characters to make it even more fascinating and less “worn out” than other often used backdrops.

3.      Where did you get the inspiration for your stories?

As one might anticipate, the series represents a melding of many of my interests, with the lion’s share owing to history of all eras and a fascination with the “supernatural”.  Then, to more minor degrees, I could throw in vexillology (the study of flags), genealogy (represented by all the familial relationships scattered throughout the story), and psychology (utilized in the dozens of unique characters), as well as so many more lightly tapped interests of mine.

The Dokkrsdottir is not your ordinary Norse woman of the Viking age. One of the great warriors of her time, she soon learns that the hardest battles are not always those fought with a sword and shield. Through countless trials and tests, she is led by visions and omens on numerous adventures with the help of steadfast friends and family to discover her mysterious supernatural destiny, one more extraordinary than anyone could ever have imagined.

4.      Why did you decide on a female protagonist?

I have always loved strong female leads in stories.  I am not sure why, except maybe they are viewed as the “underdogs” in a way.  And Myrgjol definitely fits that bill; from where she began to what she is able to accomplish is astronomical for either sex, but I just can’t picture this story unfolding as it has if the lead was male.  She is simply “bass-ass.”

5.      Do you have a plan on how many books will be in the series?

No, not really.  The series started with the plan for two books, then it became three, then four and five, and now I am writing the sixth (which will likely become two books instead of one).  In addition, I have the rough outline for three more aside from those that are possibilities.  In short, when I run out of steam, that will be the end, and I have no idea when that will be.

6.      Did you plan your plot arcs across each book and the series, or go with the flow?

As for the major story arc that winds through all the books, yes it was planned.  As for all the other background and supporting stories, it was a mix of planned and “let’s see where this goes.”  If I were to average it all together, I would say I have stuck to maybe 70% of my original story plans for each.

7.      What have you learned about writing since your first book?

Patience!  Writing is a very patient game, and it is my advice that an author NEVER thinks that the first draft is “the one”.  There will always be little “ah-ha!” moments throughout that make the story-telling just a little bit better.  Even now, while writing the sixth book, I think of small things I wish I would have thought of while writing the first book.  So, always make sure that the story you are writing is given enough time to “stew” for you to be satisfied with the end result, but while also acknowledging that twenty years from now you will still think of things you would change.

8.      Do you have a dedicated space for writing? Can you describe it?

I do – it is a tiny corner of my living room with a small desk and computer that also serves as my bookkeeping and records area as well as dining.  We have a very small home on our hobby farm (be design) and now I find myself wishing for that “one more room”.

9.      What are you working on now?

I am hard at work on the sixth book in the series, and it might be the most complicated one yet!  More to come.

10.  Where can readers find you and your books?

I have the privilege of working with some great PR folks, and they will help me through “having a presence”.  As for the series, Book 1, Runes of the Dokkrsdottir is out now on Amazon.  Book 2, Rune of Renewal will be out very shortly.

RUNES OF THE DOKKRSDOTTIR (Book 1) Runes of the Dokkrsdottir: 9798990549807: Leesson, Bjorn: Books

Runes of the Dokkrsdottir: Leesson, Bjorn: 9798990549807: Books –

More From Bjorn Leesson:

RUNE OF RENEWAL (Book 2) Rune of Renewal eBook : Leesson, Bjorn: Kindle Store

Rune of Renewal eBook : Leesson, Bjorn: Kindle Store

About Bjorn:

Bjorn was born in the Lowcountry of South Carolina a long, long time ago.  He has worked in manufacturing all his working life to feed himself but has nourished his mind with the study of many topics; history of all eras, the paranormal, astronomy, writing of different types, photography, archeology, genealogy, vexillology, some other -ologies, even stock car racing for a couple of years, and on and on.  Bjorn finds just about everything fascinating in some way and has been accused of being too easily entertained.  A blend of a few of his interests led to the creation of the Thalsparr Universe.  The first installment of the series will be “Runes of the Dokkrsdottir,” with a release date to be determined.  He currently lives in the Midlands of South Carolina with his wife of 25 years on their hobby farm.

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