Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – Fall is Rumble Time – The Kid’s Book That Is.

September 28, 2021

With the change to autumn/fall, I begin to think about my little monster, Rumble, and thoughts of Halloween. With the current restrictions, I am unable to hold the annual Rumble’s First Scare colouring contest, which is such a shame. The entries are always so good. As you may (or may not) know this little monster, Rumble, is in his element on All Hallow’s Eve. After all he’s spent all spring and summer in his underground home.

I wanted to create a story about a monster that would not scare children, but in fact, make them love him. The illustrations by Matty McClatchie help with that goal. As you can see he is quite adorable and appeals to children as he is also slimy and has little pets in a bag. When I first published the picture book, I made (with the help of a sewing friend) a plush toy of Rumble for display purposes on my event/sales tables. He was very popular and many children asked if they could take him home. I always told them he was like Tigger – the only one! Several years later, I found online, a company that makes plush toys of your children’s drawings and thought Rumble would be perfect. As you can see the result was very good. Mine on the left, professional on the right. If you are interested this is the link:

You can purchase the book or e-book of Rumble’s First Scare here: It is a perfect gift for younger readers for Halloween or anytime of the year. It can probably dispel monster nightmares too.

As you can imagine I read Stephen King’s latest publication, Billy Summers, in record time. It is not horror, but a tale of a man trying to escape his profession as an assassin and encountering a wealth of people – good and bad – along the way. An unexpected relationship is thrown into the mix and adds to the overall tension and twists and turns in the narrative.

I am now reading: The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel

What are you currently reading? Can you share your thoughts in it?

Foreboding Prior to Halloween…

October 25, 2013

Forebode – definition: to foretell or predict; be an omen of; indicate beforehand


With Halloween coming up shortly, the internet is awash with spooky costumes, books and trick or treat candy. For many it is a fun filled evening to enjoy scaring each other on doorsteps or at themed parties. However, for others it manifests differently as a real fear of what the evening portrays. Samhainophobia is actually a phobia of Halloween. Sufferers have an intense and persistent fear of Halloween, and the condition causes panic attacks in people who suffer from it. They have a morbid fear of Halloween, in essence the sense of wildness and otherworldliness that the night seems to conjure forth. It is most common in devout religious believers. Other related fears include Wiccaphobia : fear of witches, Phasmophobia : fear of ghosts and Coimetrophobia : a fear of cemeteries.

Although, to date, I have not seen a witch (at least not the commonly used image),  I have seen a ghost. As for cemeteries; you will think me strange for this but what the heck – I used to spend a lot of time alone in cemeteries as a child. One was near my childhood home and surrounded a small chapel. My favorite spot to sit and enjoy quiet time was under a willow tree next to a baby’s grave. Weird I know! I just found it very peaceful. The other cemetery, I frequented was at a derelict church and I spent a lot of  time cleaning the moss and dirt out of the gravestones. Yep, I’m weird and now you don’t have to wonder why I love Stephen King!

Do you have a ‘creepy’ secret or experience you can share?

Now for a shameless plug – why not buy my children’s story – Rumble’s First Scare? You know you want to – he’s such a cute little monster.


Rumble's First Scare

Love-to-Spook Blog Hop

February 3, 2013


I asked permission to be involved in this blog hop mainly because my monster isn’t that scary! Rumble was inspired by a Halloween prompt run by my writers circle. I could have gone down the route of scaring the ‘you know what’ out of my readers but decided to flip the idea around. What if the view point was from the monster’s perspective? Thus Rumble was born, living in his dark, moist underground  and root adorned home.
In the story we follow Rumble as he is taken by his mother on his very first scaring expedition. He had been told of All Hallows Eve, of course but until now had not been old enough to participate. Rumble emerges into the upper world to find a shockingly bright and a hard surfaced environment. With his mother’s guidance he scares several children and has a very enjoyable time.

Whether read to a child or given as a gift – children love little Rumble and his bag of pets.

Rumble's First Scare

I actually made a Rumble for promotional purposes and everyone is drawn to him – he behaves very well and loves all the cuddles.


Rumble is available at

The thrill of being scared with adrenaline rushing through our veins has been theorised as a primitive need. In our modern daily lives there is little to fear, in the most part. Obviously there are exceptions to this related to location and family environment but to be so scared our ‘fight or flight‘ instinct comes into play is rare. Emotional extremes are suppressed now-a-days and the ‘normal’ mechanics of our bodies dampened. In the definition of fight or flight, it is the body’s response to perceived threat or danger.  During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, shunting blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy and strength.  Originally named for its ability to enable us to physically fight or run away when faced with danger, it’s now activated in situations where neither response is appropriate, like in traffic or during a stressful day at work.  When the perceived threat is gone, systems are designed to return to normal function via the relaxation response, but in our times of chronic stress, this often doesn’t happen enough, causing damage to the body.

When we watch a scary movie or read an intense thriller, our bodies react giving us the rush we crave but in a safe environment.

Enjoy the fright.

A foot note – I define a word each day on my blog and today’s was – Infatuated – definition: to be filled with a foolish or excessive love or admiration. Surely we can all recall several creepy and menacing characters in our favorite horror movies that had this particular trait.

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