Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – I’m a June Baby, Therefore A Gemini

June 18, 2024

As a June baby, my astrological sign is the twins – Gemini. This is an air sign most often associated with intellect and curiosity, but also the ability to be flexible, and adaptable. I can relate to this full heartedly, as I research such a variety of topics for my books and enjoy doing so. And I have certainly followed through on all the things that excite me, especially creative pursuits, where I have thrived. My ability as a compelling storyteller also fits this sign.

I do have a social nature and enjoy making new friends and forging connections. My ruling planet, Mercury, is all about communication, and that is probably why I am comfortable talking and at ease when given a platform at work places, schools, or in my community. For example, the night before my niece’s wedding, I was asked to do the reading in the church! I read the passage several times and then on the day stood in the pulpit and read it without batting an eyelid. It was, of course, an honour to be asked.

I am also vocal in my support of my writer friends goals and am happy to help, or make introductions to enable someone to make a great connection. This is coupled with my looking to find unique, or interesting connections within the writing community and beyond. Due my innate curiosity and excitement for new experiences, I’m happy to literally hit the open road, or find the next great adventure as reflected in the many road trips I enjoy with my good friend, Linda.

Gemini’s are seen as yin and yang, dark and light, noisy and quiet and yes, I am all those things. I embody both outgoing and solitary. Outgoing when I reach out to readers, promote my books and attending events and solitary when I am at my writing desk creating a world inhabited by characters I’ve made up! Having a dual personality is a great benefit when I am creating characters too.

Does your personality match your birth sign?

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