Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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June 30, 2013

Votary – definition: a person who is bound by solemn religious vows : a staunch believer

Self Belief

Belief is a deeply personal thing and not something to be forced upon others. Some beliefs are difficult to comprehend, mainly due to their insistence theirs is the ‘best’. Whatever belief gives peace to an individual is the ‘right’ one for them. Acceptance of our differences is the key.

Believing we can achieve a dream is a powerful motivator, but it is the strength of that belief that carries us through.


Famous Usurpers and A Close Encounter…

June 29, 2013

Usurp – definition: to seize and hold a position, an office, or power by force, or without legal right

Most of us know the more famous usurpers, such as:

Napoleon Bonaparte

In the Coup d’état of 18 Brumaire, (9 November 1799) Napoleon overthrew the Constitution of the Year III and established his rule as First Consul, and five years later as Emperor.

William 1

When Edward the Confessor died Harold crowned himself Harold II so William then invaded England with his own army. William victored at the Battle of Hastings during which Harold II was killed. William then crowned himself King of England.

Louis Philippe

Louis Philippe took the throne in the aftermath of the July Revolution, which had resulted in the abdication of King Charles X in favor of his grandson, a young child.

I was fortunate to attend a school in England, where a battle between King Charles II and Oliver Cromwell actually took place. Our history room was a wooden paneled room.  A brass plaque on one side of the window protected a musket hole. It was thought the Roundheads tried to storm the house where the King was staying. If that doesn’t bring history to life, I don’t know what will.

shaw_house_wideThis is the school, Shaw House. As children we didn’t really appreciate the history of the building, apart from that musket hole! Luckily the building has been saved and is now a heritage site.

Just in case you would like to know more, here is a link :


June 28, 2013

Ambidextrous – definition: 1) able to use both hands equally well 2) unusually skillful; facile

Thought this blog post was apt for today’s word. Enjoy!
Are you ambidextrous? My brother was when he was young but lost the capability once he started school, where he was encouraged to use just one hand. What a shame!

I’ve always considered myself to be an ambidextrous person which has made it necessary for me to read anything I can find on the subject. There are arguments and discussions both pro and con as to whether a person is really ambidextrous or just cross-dominant.  Cross-dominance apparently is defined as the ability to use either hand for specific tasks but not being able to use both hands for all tasks. That sounds confusing I know so further discussion is required.

As a child in elementary school I began writing with my left hand almost immediately.  Teachers in those days actually discouraged left-handedness and required those children to write with their right hands.  I was chastised enough that I soon learned to write right-handed and have been doing so ever since.  Oddly enough I can still right with my left but not quite as clearly.  This was just the start of…

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Are Your Characters Tractable..?

June 27, 2013

Tractable – definition: easily managed or controlled : docile

Are most of your characters tractable or are some intractable?

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If your experience is anything like mine, there is usually one, or possibly two characters, that make their presence known in no uncertain terms. They want the starring role in our narrative. These characters are usually more defined in our minds and are ‘easier’ to relate to, whether because of a personality trait or that they are more fun to write. This leaves us with the problem of developing our supporting characters with as much attention to detail as the main antagonist and protagonist.

There are many character development tips and lists available on the internet that can assist us.

Do you have a favorite? Have you created your own?

I follow K.M. Weiland whose Helping Writers Become Authors blog is crammed full of useful tips and information. Take a look –

For my part I listen to the voices! After all who knows themselves better than the character themselves..?

 Graphic by:


What’s Your Truism..?

June 26, 2013

Truism – definition: a self-evident, obvious truth

Do you have a truism in your latest project? It doesn’t have to be as blatantly obvious as good over evil or love conquers all. On reflection I feel my novels have a common link – careful what you wish for!


Just for fun – some truisms.

Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame, each to his passion, what’s in a name?

Brevity is the soul of wit.

A closed mouth gathers no foot.

A new broom sweeps clean.

Dreams die hard.

Failure is no crime, too low an aim is.

Do you have a favorite?

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