Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

My Book News & Advocate for the Writing Community ©

Wordsmith’s Collective Thursday – Promotional Items for Book Marketing

June 6, 2024

As authors we want to attract attention to our books, and ultimately sell them. While we all hustle on social media platforms, there is also in person events, where we come face to face with potential readers. One way to attract people to our table is to have promotional items available. Depending on our personal finances these can be inexpensive, or an investment, but preferably a mixture of both. We can take advantage of online sites to create these items, and, of course, for the more creative amongst us, simply create our own.

Here is a list of ideas; some are easily achieved, while others require some creative time and investment.

  • Bookmarks.
  • Coasters.
  • Business cards.
  • Mouse Pad.
  • Postcards.
  • Flyers.
  • Summary of the book(s).
  • Door Hanger.
  • Rack cards.
  • Mugs.
  • Tote bag.
  • Note books.
  • Posters and banners.
  • Pens.
  • Cover art images.
  • Candy.
  • T-shirts.
  • Hats.
  • Magnets.

The more individual and book related our items are the better. It will be not only a reminder of the book, and their meeting with you, but also something they may pass to another reader. Some items can also be used as give-aways on social media or blog contests. If your local bookstore allows you to, leave some business cards, postcards or door hangers on their sales counter. Ask if you can put promotional leaflets on community boards, in your library, or at a local business.

Another great promotional item is a gift basket themed to your specific book, or genre. You can collect entries at an in-person event, or via an online contest. Just remember you will need to get the prize to the winner! So limit the contest to your locality, or you will be paying a lot for postage.

Personally, I have used a local crafter to create toques, online sources for T-shirts, bookmarks, business cards and a plushy of one kid’s character. I have also made my own bookmarks in the past. There is no limit to your imagination, so create a unique display to get those sales.

What promotional items do you use?

Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – Steampunk Prize Draw

June 14, 2022

Until the end of June, if you buy any one of my books from this incredible Edmonton bookstore, you will be entered to win this superb steampunk themed basket.

The contents include a shawl, cookie tin, steampunk crow, china cup, candle, steampunk pin, clockwork plaques, chocolate bars, teatime cloth purse, and a bookmark.

Go to Daisy Chain Bookstore, 12525 102 Ave, Edmonton, AB T5N 0M4, from today!

Fill in the entry form for the draw. Good luck!

Fighting against society’s feminine expectations, Owena’s excellent strategic and swordsmanship skills come to the fore after an attack and imprisonment of villagers. Running for their lives, a small group escape persecution but find new dangers ahead. Propelled into the world of rebel forces, she joins the battle against the Buldrick Empire. After seeing the failings of the rebel encampment, she makes changes – some well received, others not. Her unlikely champion is a giant of a man, who is feared by all. Their mutual respect and his acceptance of her as an equal propels them to organize a win or die fight to restore the rightful King to the throne.

Wordsmith’s Collective Thursday -Creating A Book Launch During COVID19

August 20, 2020


With the restrictions on events and social gatherings, it is difficult to launch a new book in the traditional way. However, there are ways to promote your newest novel.

Make sure to announce the book title, it’s genre and date of publication and issue date on online sites. This can be through subscriber emails, on social media or local newspaper editorials. Or a combination of all three!

A great way to get your new novel out is a virtual book tour. You can utilize your social media platform and post dates you will be answering questions about the book. There are many options to choose from: Instagram Chat, Facebook chat, Zoom or your own YouTube channel.

If you have fellow authors willing to post your book announcement on their blogs that would be great too.

Offer blog subscribers and/or local book clubs a virtual book reading with a Q&A session afterwards.

Depending on your book’s genre (children/YA) you can create an interactive activity based on your narrative theme.

If you have a local bookstore – offer to have several signed copies available in store.

Be creative and think outside the box! What can you utilize from the story to showcase the book?

Have you launched a new book during COVID19 – how did you do it?

bird 3

My own steampunk novel, The Commodore’s Gift is set for release 26th September, so I am planning a virtual launch. I have already shared steampunk images on my social media and a few teasers. I even created a steampunk bird, which was a lot of fun. Not sure if I keep him or include him in a gift basket. We will see. Of course there will be a book cover reveal as well.

Now I have to create the six week pre-launch campaign.


Ask a Question Thursday

August 15, 2019



This week’s question is: How do you prepare for an author reading?

I have a reading with several other authors this Saturday for Bookstore Romance Day, so have prepared a gift basket, gathered not only the book I will be reading from but also most of my other books to take with me. As there will be a table at the front of the store with our books I have packed a display shelf, summaries of each book, and have decided on the excerpt I will read. Obviously, this has to be practiced to allow me to look up at the audience but also practice my inflections to give the piece a real sense of drama.

romance bookstore

If you happen to be in Edmonton, Alberta come and say Hi. We will be at Audreys Books Ltd.  10702 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3J5 at 2 pm. I will read from Life in Slake Patch, which is a speculative fiction romance set in a matriarchal society from a young man’s perspective. Yep, it is certainly an interesting and unique story.

Please comment below with your typical planning for an author reading, we may learn new tricks from each other!

Last week’s post was a 10 minute writing prompt: A bag of multiple buttons.

When I worked with K-3 writers, I always carried by button tin inherited from my mother. Each student would receive one large button. Next they would draw the person or animal wearing it and glue the button in place. It could be a nose, a toenail, a wing decoration. Anything.Then they would write a story or poem about the character. They had a lot of fun.

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