Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

My Book News & Advocate for the Writing Community ©

Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – Meeting Readers, A Goal Achieved and a Book Title Request

November 28, 2023

This past Saturday, I attended a local Christmas market, and was happy to talk to many new readers, who bought several of my books. As always I ask for feedback in the form of a review on one of the online sites, or directly to me. These are literal gold to any author. Just one short sentence is all that is needed.

It is always interesting to see which stories people are drawn to, as any preconceived ideas from a person’s persona doesn’t always match. For example, one older gentleman was keen on Life in Slake Patch. Based on preconceived ideas, he would not want to read about an alternative matriarchal society, but one can never tell.

I am happy to report I ‘finished’ my 2023 Goodreads Reading Challenge of 24 books and exceeded it by one as well as being ahead of schedule. I will probably finish the year with another book, if not more. Have you achieved your goal yet?

As some of you know I am participating in a writers challenge this month as well. National Novel Writing Month sets a word count goal of 50,000 in the month of November. As of 27th November I was at 45,674 words so I’m on track to finish. I thought I would share a summary of this project.

The location is currently London, UK, a city bus stop and the passengers it hosts. This may change to Canada, or become a fictional location. The narrative tells the story of nine main characters who use the stop, with the interactions between them in relation to the bus stop locale. I am asking you, dear followers, to come up with a title for this novel. Currently, it is filed under An English City Bus Stop, but it’s just not giving the right vibes. Please comment below if you have an idea for a title. The winner will have their name in the acknowledgments in the book. So get those thinking caps on.

Bibliophile Collective Tuesday – A New Free Library and a Bookstore Evening

November 15, 2022

On Friday I discovered another free library. This one is dedicated to a school principal, which is a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, there was no protective door, even though there are hinges for one, so I’m hoping the books are taken inside soon. I gifted copies of Life in Slake Patch and The Rython Kingdom for it’s readers.

Four author friends and I went to Daisy Chain Book Co in Edmonton on Saturday night. Our gracious host and bookstore owner, Brandi, was very accommodating and had set out display tables and chairs. As you can imagine having access to a whole bookstore was too tempting. We may write books, but we are also voracious readers! Purchases were made.

I am continuing with the November writing challenge and as of November 12th my total was 22,531words. The third book in the crime series is, of course, the culmination of the trilogy series. It is exciting to create the investigation, the missteps and ultimately the resolution.

Bibliophile Tuesday Collective – Meeting Readers at Events

November 8, 2022

I had a great deal of fun last Saturday at an author fair hosted by Spruce Grove library. Not only did I meet new writers and authors, but lots of readers. It is the best part of in-person events to actually talk to people interested in my stories.

It was a successful day book sales-wise and the library also purchased one book. I will donate a couple more too, as the more libraries have my books on their shelves the better. If you request one of my books, at your local library they will get it in for you.

There were young contest winners at the event as well, which is always encouraging as we need new voices to create stories and poems for future generations. Our brain is the same as any other muscle it needs to be exercised and what better way than to create something from our imagination.

I am continuing with book three of The Delphic Murders trilogy – Killers Match within the National Novel Writing Month challenge and as I write this have a total just over eleven thousand words. The characters are leading me down an exciting path.

My next event is this coming Saturday at Daisy Chain Book Co, Edmonton. Five authors, including me will be available for a meet and greet and will be happy to sign our books for you or Christmas gifts for your family and friends.

Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – Attending Another Book Event

September 27, 2022

As secretary of the Writers Foundation of Strathcona County, not only did I help plan, set up and tear down this event, but also attended as an author. It was an early start at 7 am to ensure the volunteers and all the display items were organized and in place prior to the opening at 9 am. As they say many hands make light work and the set up and tear down were completed in record time. The event celebrated it’s 15th year, which is a great milestone and this was the first in-person for 2 years.

It felt good to get my author table set up once again, and have the interaction with readers, and local authors too.

Another part of the day was author readings, and all the local authors delighted us with chapters of their chosen book to read. I read part of The Rython Kingdom – it felt good to reading out loud again after so long.

Of course, as a reader, I couldn’t resist buying a few books! So my TBR is now quite an impressive height! It will be difficult to pick which novel to read, after I finished Fairy Tale by Stephen King. Maybe I can write the titles on slips of paper and pick one out of a hat?

Bibliophile’s Collective Tuesday – Bookstore Romance Day

August 23, 2022

I was very happy to be asked by my local bookstore, The Sherwood Park Bookworm to be included in this fun event. Copies of all my books can be found in the store, but of course the main five for this specific event were – The Twesome Loop (reincarnation/romance), The Commodore’s Gift (steampunk/romance), Life in Slake Patch (speculative fiction) and the two Rython novellas – The Rython Kingdom & Rython Legacy (medieval set fantasy/romance)

As we all know it is so important to support and buy local. Chain stores use their buying power to cut prices, but it is the personal touch and knowing you are helping an entrepreneur that is so important.

Do you have a favorite local bookstore?

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