Mandy Eve-Barnett's Blog for Readers & Writers

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Creative Edge – Author Interview – Miranda Oh

April 30, 2020


  1. When you wrote your first novel, Remember No Matter what, Chin Up Tits Out, did you know or plan the subsequent novels in the series?

I originally had a goal to ‘write a book’ but once I started to draft out ‘Remember No Matter What..’ I quickly came to realize I had much more to say than just one books worth.


2. What was the inspiration for the stories?

Real Life is where the juiciest stories are picked from. I enjoy meeting new people and working on improving my connections. I tend to pick up the most interesting stories along the way, so why not share them.

3. How did you come up with the titles?

My parents used to coach us as kids to stand up tall, hold your shoulders back and stand confident, even if you don’t feel it. As the years passed on and teenager attitudes came along, so did the spicy one liners my folks used to keep us in line, focused on staying positive and always strive to move forward… in turn …Chin Up Tits Out was born, and to this day used in our household often.

4. Do you have a follow up in progress?

I am working on a second series, called Love My Lady Bits. It will be a trilogy jammed packed with real life stories from women around the world who have stubborn, unpredictable and often humorous reproductive systems.


5. Did you purposely choose chick lit?

No, let’s say it chose me! HA – I just wrote out my story and then we plunked it into a genre. Chick lit is so all-encompassing, which allows me to write about what ever. I want to write about relatable things us women go through, make it less taboo and totally spin it and make it entertaining to talk about all of it.

6. Are you a romantic?

Old soul to the nines – yes! I love old romantic music, candle light environment all while sipping on a vintage bottle of red, star gazing… alone. He-he! Regardless if I am alone or with someone special; taking those moments in time to spread a little old school romance will only bring one good in life. – In my opinion.

7. Who is your biggest supporter?

My mom! Gosh darnit – I have zero shame about it too! She is right there with me through it all thick and thin. The best part of it, is that we are best friends too, so I not only have the support and role model of a pretty awesome mom, but I also have the support of a good ol’ pal and bff. I lucked out in the family department. I count my blessing every dang day!


8. Are you a planner or a panster writer?

Plan, map, schedule – repeat. Although, once I am done planning, mapping and scheduling, when the writing starts it doesn’t stop. It is like a dam broke and all the water that floods out are the words. As I write more, this process evolves and becomes more streamlined. Just a wee spot OCD and type –A personality.

9. How did you being writing?

A big glass of wine, noise cancelling headphones and pure determination to get it out on paper. Simply put. I also had a story I desperately wanted to get out; so between the little liquid encouragement, and determination to share my story, the result was me writing my first series.

10. Where can readers find you and your books?

Readers can find my books on amazon worldwide. Type in Chin up Tits Out Miranda Oh and BAM my books will be right there. You can also visit my website at . Please give me a follow or a like on FB or IG (OhMirandaOh)

11. Can you share a funny story about the creation of your novels?

Oh yeah – I was writing a REALLY tough chapter during my 2nd book – When All Else Fails Chin Up Tits Out – I was sobbing – loud enough to disturb my roommates. So they banded together, pulled straws, and one poor sucker had to take me out for a drive and Starbucks run so I could calm down and refocus. Poor guys, by the time we got back home, I was way better. I had a smile on my face and whipped cream in my cup. Happy Girl!

Creative Edge

Bibliophiles Collective Tuesday – Character Interview – Lenni from Creature Hunt on Planet Toaria (YA novella)

April 28, 2020

Chapter 5 Mandy 52_preview

Today I am ‘interviewing’ one of the main character’s from Creature Hunt on Planet Toaria, a YA novella. Lenni is the main instigator in persuading her three friends to seek out the invading alien monster on their planet.

Hi Lenni,

Can you tell us about why you live on another planet instead of Earth?

I can tell you what I know from history lessons. The human race suffered multiple pandemics over decades, which decimated the world population. In an effort to save the human species, one hundred generation ships were built and several space stations. These were built to offer a temporary home above the planet until the virus’ could be controlled or eliminated. 

So how did you get here?

The expected term for being on the ships was extended over and over for years until each generation ship struggled to sustain its population. As the remaining human population on Earth died, a decision was made to head out in as many different directions as possible. The hope was that one or more of the generation ships would find a suitable planet to populate. After many years my ancestors ship found Toaria. 

So then they landed and built all the domes?

It took another generation to build the domes and establish the growing pods. Several new technologies were created so that ‘soil’ was artificially grown from agar, molds and vermiculite and then seeds regenerated from capsules that had been frozen in transit. 

Can you describe Planet Toaria?

It is mainly rock and dust but there are frackist trees and whickety vines. We have two moons and when they align, the sky becomes magenta then burgundy before total darkness. That’s our curfew time – we must be home by then. All the other plants are from germination of seeds brought here and cultivated in the home dome’s central gardens or in the growth pods. We have metal paths in-between the home domes and the community domes. Apart from the living areas, there is a complex of industry domes restricted to only workers and the military. Most of the planet is uninhabited still but as our population grows we expand with more sections.

Can you describe frackist trees and whickety vines, they sound fascinating?

The trees have thick trunks, which are topped with branches that look like an upside-down scalene triangle. They have sticky buds, which you mustn’t touch as the sap causes instant numbing to anything it touches. Climbing them is discouraged because of that. The vines have a natural luminescence in the leaves and they are planted along the main paths to grow along them and climb the metal columns.

I noticed that you do not have ‘normal’ pets, like dogs and cats. What do you have instead?

No, we do not have animals as such on Toaria, they were not allowed on the first ships from Earth. We have robotic ‘pets’ or bots as we call them. Each child is assigned a bot when they are born. It is a protector as well as a companion. They are made up of a series of metal intersecting plates, have compartments for supplies and technology and power up overnight as we sleep.

Can you tell us a little about the alien invader?

Initially, no one knew there was an invader but then my bot, Bubble chased off something and did not return for a long time. This is unheard of as they are to stay with their owner no matter what. When Bubble was found, his recording data did not identify what the thing was and that’s when I began to wonder.

Why did you decide to find the alien with your friends?

At first I thought it would be a fun thing to do with Troon, Braze and Nevis. You know to explore a little further than we are allowed. There are sections to the habitat only open to the military. I didn’t really think we would find it! As our search continued it got more serious and we all thought it would be an excellent way to be considered for a position within the security force.

Thank you for being with us today, Lenni and telling us about your life on Planet Toaria.

If you want to know more of the story the e-book is available here, on Smashwords, Kindle, Kobo and Barnes & Noble. 




Wordsmith Collective Thursday – Is Your Writing Life Lethargic Now?

April 23, 2020

tiredHow is the isolation affecting your writing?

When I virtual chat with writing friends most of them say they feel generally lethargic. It is not just their writing life and routine that has changed but also life in general has restricted their creativity. With limited interactions, we do not have access to our normal writing routines. We may have people in the house not normally there, or meetings and events that sparked our imaginations are cancelled. Whatever our normal was, we are being proactive in protecting our loved ones from this horrid disease by staying home.

When I looked up lethargy, I was surprised at how many definitions it has. All of which describe beautifully our current state.

Sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, dullness, listlessness, languor, stagnation, laziness, idleness, indolence, shiftlessness, sloth, phlegm,
apathy, passivity, ennui, weariness, tiredness, lassitude, fatigue, sleepiness, drowsiness, enervation, somnolence, narcosis, hebetude.

So let’s take one of these and use it in a writing exercise. Write a poem or short story about a character affected by it.

Use the comment section to leave your response.


As writers we can use what prompts us to create. Use this experience in the same way. Make it a positive. Finish that novel, short story, poem. Create a new one using this experience as inspiration. Reorganize your physical or virtual writing files. Research new story ideas. List writing projects you want to achieve. Revisit old story ideas or manuscripts – can they be resurrected?

Think positive – be positive and write!


Bibliophiles Collective Tuesday – Fighting the Lethargy of Isolation

April 21, 2020


Many of us are finding the lock downs, social distancing and isolation difficult to cope with. Logically we know it is the best possible way to curb the spread of this horrid disease but humans are social animals. The most basic interactions are forgone as we protect our loved ones, whether family or friends. We miss the hugs, the physical closeness – over tea or coffee, a lunch or dinner date, groups we normally attend, family visits and more.

However, we are in an era of excellent technology that allows us to connect – if not physically – as least visually. All social media sites are open for us to message or video with each other. There are many video conferencing apps for group chats, we can even have watch parties. So it is not so bad.

Imagine this change happening in the 1960’s or 1970’s when a rotary phones or letters were your main options for connection. At least we have instant options now.

We endeavour to ‘busy’ ourselves with a multitude of activities available to us within our homes. There is an increase in books sales (happy author here for one!) gardens are being tended, DIY projects completed, spring cleaning finished, increased book reading, board & card games played, jigsaw puzzles completed. ‘Old’ toys are seized from closets, basements and attics and dusted off and enjoyed.

Maybe look on the positive side – it is more ‘family’ time instead of ‘screen’ time. Embrace the new and be creative.

Take care #stayhome and #stayhealthy

Keep #reading #books! And remember to review each one.

hands  holding open book


Wordsmiths Collective Thursday – #AuthorToolboxBlogHop – Hashtags for Writers, Authors & the Writing Community

April 16, 2020


Today’s #AuthorToolboxBlogHop

We are all vying for attention on social media and one of the ways we can get more exposure is to use hashtags.

Put simply a hashtag is a label for content. It helps followers, who are interested in a certain topic, quickly find content on that same topic. Once someone clicks on that hashtag, they’ll be brought to a page that aggregates all of the posts with the same hashtags, in real-time. It is also a great way to discover other authors, writers and books in your genre(s).

Hashtags can be used on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There is a plethora of them specific for writers, authors, readers, the writing community and books. Here are a few but I’m sure you can list more!

Hashtags for writers.

#amwriting #amediting #writingtip or #writetip #writingprompt
#book #novel #nonfiction #fiction #paperbacks #short or #short #story or #shortstories or #shortreads #litfic #histfic and #histnovel #womensfiction
#scifi or #science #fiction #romance #paranormal #crime #suspense #kidlit #Writing #AmWriting #Creativity #Editing #WordCount #WriteChat #WriteGoal #WritingPrompt #WIP #StoryStarter #Creativity #MustRead #Novelines #FridayReads #TeaserTues #WriteTip #WritersLife #WritersLifeChat #5amwritersclub #WritingCommunity #readercommunity

Now over to you – how many more can you list?


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